Where do you normally have dinner?


Do you normally have dinner at home? 

Does she always have dinner at work?


Do you eat out a lot? 

Does she eat out a lot? 



I don’t have lunch at work 

She doesn’t have breakfast at home


I normally have dinner at home

She sometimes has dinner at work

Question words

Where do you normally have dinner?

What do you normally have for dinner?


have breakfast 

eat breakast 

(you can say “have breakfast” or “eat breakfast”)


eat out 


at home 

at work 

in a cafe 

in a restaurant




Time Words




hardly ever 



a lot / don’t … a lot 

Time words


normally / usually

* * * * *


regularly / often

* * * * *



* * * * *



hardly ever

* * * * *


often / a lot

* * * * *

Answer Questions

Do you normally have lunch at work?


I normally have lunch at work

* * * * *

Do you always have dinner at work?

I don't always have dinner at work

* * * * *

Does she normally have breakfast there?


She normally has breakfast there

* * * * *

Does Eddie always have dinner at work?


Eddie always has dinner at work

* * * * *

Do you have lunch at home?


I don't have lunch at home

* * * * *

Does she have breakfast at home?

She doesn't have breakfast at home

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I normally have dinner at home

Do you normally have dinner at work?

* * * * *

I always have lunch at work

Do you always have dinner at work?

* * * * *

He always has dinner in that restaurant

Does he always have dinner in that restaurant?

* * * * *

Eddie usually has lunch at work

❓- Where

Where does Eddie normally have lunch?

* * * * *

My brother normally has breakfast in that cafe?

Where does your brother normally have dinner?

* * * * *

She normally eats dinner at work

Does she normally eat dinner at work?

* * * * *


Do you always have dinner at work?

No, I don’t always have dinner at work.  If I’m very busy, I have dinner at work, but normally I have dinner at home.

But, I guess you normally have lunch at work.  Is that right?

Yes, I normally have lunch at work.  There is a very nice cafe in our office.   But, sometimes I have lunch in a restaurant near our office.

And where do you have breakfast? 

I have breakfast at home  But Eddie always has breakfast in a cafe.  He doesn’t eat a big breakfast.  He just has coffee and a croissant. 

And what do you normally have for dinner?

Well, you know my parents are Chinese, so I normally have rice and vegetables.  But sometimes we eat noodles.

New Words

our office 


in a cafe 

in a restaurant near our office 

in a restaurant near our house 



a bowl of rice 


a bowl of noodles 




1. Do you 

2. Do you go to bed early?

3. What time do you have dinner?

4. What time do you normally start work / school ? 


5. What time do you finish work / school ? 

6. What time do you normally get up at? 


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