Do you normally walk to work?


Do you..?

Do you normally walk to work? 


Does she…?

Does she always cycle to work?


I normally get the bus to school

We normally drive there

(I, we , they, you – don’t add “s”)


She normally gets the bus to school

(for she, he, it, Eddie, Lucy  – add “s”)


Question words

How do you normally get to work?

Which bus do you get to school?


go to school 

walk to school

cycle to school / go to school on my bike


get the bus to work / go to work on the bus

get the train to work / go to work on the train


drive to work / go to work in my car


(for there or here, don’t say “to)

come here 

go there

walk there 

drive there

Time Words



normally / usually


hardly ever 

never (If you say “never”,  you shouldn’t say “don’t”)


I never cycle to school = I don’t cycle to school


I hardly ever walk to school


a lot / don’t…. a lot 

I don’t go there a lot = I don’t go there often

I come here a lot = I often come here

Time words


normally / usually

* * * * *


regularly / often

* * * * *



* * * * *



hardly ever

* * * * *


often / a lot

* * * * *

Answer Questions

Do you normally walk to school?


I normally walk to school

* * * * *

Does Lucy get the bus to school?

✔️ - usually

Lucy usually gets the bus to school

* * * * *

Do you drive to work?

✔️ - always

I always drive to work

* * * * *

Does your brother drive to work?


My brother drives to work

* * * * *

Does she cycle to school?

✔️ - hardly ever

She hardly ever cycles to school

* * * * *

Do you sometimes cycle to school?

✔️ - never

I never cycle to school

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I normally get the bus to school

❓- always

Do you always get the bus to school?

* * * * *

We always cycle there

Do you always cycle there?

* * * * *

He usually drives to work

Does he usually drive to work?

* * * * *

Eddie sometimes goes there

Does Eddie sometimes go there?

* * * * *

My sister normally cycles to work

Does your sister normally cycle to work?

* * * * *

I usually get the number ten (bus)

Do you usually get the number 10 (bus)?

* * * * *



Hi Eddie, so do you normally get the bus to school?


Yeah, I normally get the bus to school, but sometimes I cycle.  It depends on the weather.  If it’s a sunny day, then I prefer to cycle

Wow, that’s great!  And what about your sister?  Does she get the bus to school with you?

Well, she goes to a different school.  It’s a lot closer to our home, so she almost always walks there.  Sometimes, she goes on her bike, but not often.  The school is only ten minutes away.  

And yourself, do you get the bus to school?

Well, I’m in university now.  I go to university in Bologna, so I normally get the train.  It’s faster.

And, can you get the bus to bologna?  I thought there was a bus from Ferrara to Bologna?

Yes, there’s a bus that goes to Bologna, but it’s a lot slower and I prefer the train.  It’s more comfortable. 

Yes, I agree.  I prefer the train, but there is no train that goes to my school

New Words

It depends on the weather 

It depends on the person

( depends on, not depends of)


The school is ten minutes from our house 

The school is only ten minutes away from our house


I thought he was American

I thought you were Chinese

I thought there was a supermarket on this street 

I thought there was a bus from Ferrara to Bologna



1. Do you 

2. Do you go to bed early?

3. What time do you have dinner?

4. What time do you normally start work / school ? 


5. What time do you finish work / school ? 

6. What time do you normally get up at? 


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