What time do you get up at?


Do you…? 

Do you get up early?  – 你早起床?

Do you start work at nine?  – 你十九点上班的吗?

Does he… ?  Does she…?

Does he get up early?  – 他是早上起床的吗?

Does he go to bed late? 他晚去睡觉吗?


I, you…

I get up pretty early – 我挺早起床

We get up at about eight – 我们大约八点起床

He…, She…, Eddie… (name)  – add “s”

He finishes work at half past five – 他五点半下班

My brother goes to bed at half past nine – 我的兄弟九点半去睡觉

Question words

What time … ? 

I, you, we, they (plural &I)

What time do you get up at? – 你几点起床?

What time do you finish work? – 你几点下班?

He, She, Eddie, Jenny,

What time does she finish work at?  – 她几点下班?

What time does he start work? – 他几点上班?


She does get up at eight – no!

She gets up at eight – yes!

What time do you get up at? – ok 🙂

What time do you get up? – ok 🙂

Time Words


at seven – 在七点钟

at half past seven – 在七点半


early – 早

very early – 很早

pretty early – 挺早

Time words


at home

* * * * *


in the north of Italy

* * * * *


at work

* * * * *


near here

* * * * *


near the train station

* * * * *


in Japan

* * * * *

Answer Questions

Do you get up early?


I get up early

* * * * *

Does he go to bed late?

✔️ - pretty

He goes to bed pretty late

* * * * *

What time does he start work at?

✔️ - at nine

He starts work at nine

* * * * *

What time do you finish work at?

✔️ - at half past five

I finish work at half past five

* * * * *

What time does he finish work at?

✔️ - at half past seven

He finishes work at half past seven

* * * * *

What time do you go to bed?

✔️ - at about half past ten

I go to bed at about half past ten

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I get up at half past seven

❓- what time

What time do you get up at?

* * * * *

He gets up early

Does he get up early?

* * * * *

He finishes work at half past five

❓- What time

What time does he finish work at?

* * * * *

I go to bed at ten

❓- What time

What time do you go to bed at?

* * * * *

I get up early

Do you get up early?

* * * * *

He goes to bed early

Does he go to bed early?

* * * * *



Hi Eddie, how are things?  You look tired.  Are you ok?


Hi Bob,  I’m ok.  Yeah, I’m a bit tired.   I normally get up very early, so I’m a bit tired. 

What time do you normally get up at?

Well, I start worka at half past eight.  So, I normally get up at seven. 

And Jenny,  What time does she get up at?   Does she work in the same place?

She doesn’t work in the same place.  She works in a language school. She starts work at half past ten, so she normally gets up at about eight.

Ok, do you guys want to have dinner together?  What time do you normally have dinner?

We normally have dinner at about eight in the evening.  Ok, that sounds great!   

New Words


you look tired – 你先得很累 / 你看起来很累

you look good – 你看起来很好


that sounds good – 听起来很好

that sounds ok – 听起来可以


in the evening – 晚上的时候

in the morning – 早上的时候



1. Do you get up early?

2. Do you go to bed early?


3. What time do you have dinner?

4. What time do you normally start work / school ? 


5. What time do you finish work / school ? 

6. What time do you normally get up at?