Did you grow up in Italy?


What is the past tense of .... go?

What is the past tense of ... do?

What is the past tense of ... is?

was - when he was a kid

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... are?

were - when we were kids

* * * * *

Whatis the past tense of ... live?

What is the past tense of ... study?


* * * * *

What is the past tense of .... move?

What is the past tense of learn?

What is the past tense of ... am?

was - When I was a kid

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... have to do?

had to do

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... read

What is the past tense of ... have to study?

had to study

* * * * *

New Words

in Italy – in Italia / 在意大利


in the south of Italy – nel sud Italia / 在意大利的南部


in the north of England – nel nord dell’Inghilterra / 在英国的北部


for 2 years – per due anni / 有两年

for about 2 years – per circa due anni / 有大概两年


for a half a year – per mezzo anno / 有半年


for a while – per un periodo / 有一段时间


two years ago / 两年前


a few years ago / 几年前



Did you grow up in Italy?


I grew up in Italy

* * * * *

Did you learn English in school?

✔️ - a bit of

I learnt a bit of English in school

* * * * *

Did you live in the south of Italy?

I didn't live in the south of Italy

* * * * *

Did you live in a big city?


I lived in a big city

* * * * *

Did you study a language at school?

✔️ - French

I studied French at school

* * * * *

Did you guys do English in school? (we)


We did English at school

* * * * *

Did you guys have to study English at school? (we)


We had to study English at school

* * * * *

Did he live there for long?

He didn't live there for long

* * * * *

Did you learn much?

I didn't learn much

* * * * *

Were you young?

✔️ - very

I was very young

* * * * *

Was he in Italy?


He was in Italy

* * * * *

Were you kids?

✔️ - we

We were kids

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I grew up in China

Did you grow up in China?

* * * * *

I lived in Japan for about two years

❔ - how long

How long did you live in Japan for?

* * * * *

I studied English in school

Did you study English in school?

* * * * *

I moved to Italy two years ago

❓- when

When did you move to Italy?

* * * * *

we had to study English at school

Did you have to study English at school?

* * * * *

I had to do a lot of homework

Did you have to do a lot of homework?

* * * * *

I was eleven

❓ - how old

How old were you?

* * * * *

He was seven

❓ - how old

How old was he?

* * * * *

I lived there for a few years

❓ - how long

How long did you live there for?

* * * * *

I came here two years ago

❓- when

when did you come here?

* * * * *

we were in school

Were you in school?

* * * * *

I played football at school

Did you play football at school?

* * * * *


Did you grow up in Italy?

Yes, I grew up in Italy, but my parents are from China.  They moved to Italy a few years before I was born

And, did you grow up in this city?

Well, I was born in Milan, but after that my family moved here. So, I mainly grew up here.

How old were you when you came to Rome?

I was about seven when I came here.  So I guess this is really my home.

Your English is really good!  Did you study English in school?

Yes, of course, we all had to study English in school. I also had to study a second language, so I also studied Spanish. For us, Spanish is easier.

And did you do sports in school?

Yes, I played football for a few years, and after that I played basketball

And did you learn an instrument?

I learnt the piano for a while, but I didn’t practice a lot.

New Words

my parents   – i miei genitori / 我的父母


my relatives – i miei parenti / 我的亲戚


my family – la mia famiglia / 我的家庭


my home – casa mia / 我家


my house – la mia casa / 我的房子


easy – facile / 容易


easier – più facile / 更容易


difficult – difficile /难


more difficult – più difficile /更难


1. Did you grow up in Italy?

2. Did you study English in school?

3. Did you move to Italy when you were young?

4. When did you come to Italy?

5. Did you have to study English at school?

6. Did you have to do a lot of homework, when you were at school?

7. Did you play football at school?

8. Did you go to high school in Italy?