16. Is there a supermarket around here?



Is there a supermarket near here?

 (for singular – one, a, only one, just one)

c’è un supermercato qui vicino?




Is there sugar in this coffee?

c’è zucchero in questo caffè? 


(for uncountable – sugar, salt, money, time)




There isn’t a supermarket near here 

Non c’è un supermercato qui vicino


There’s no supermarket near here (più enfatico)

Non c’è nessun supermercato qui vicino




There is a nice French restaurant on Wood Street 

There’s a nice French restaurant on Wood Street

c’è un bel ristorante francese su Via Wood 




Question words

Why – perchè / 为什么

Why is there a gun on the table?

Perchè c’è una pistola sul tavolo? 



Words (location)

near here – qui vicino / 这里附近

around here – qui intorno, da queste parti/ 这里周围



in this part of the city – in questa parte della città / 在城市的这个部分

in that part of the city – in quella parte della città / 在城市的哪个部分



over there – laggiù, lassù / 这边

in here – qui dentro /这里面



on the first floor – al primo piano / 在第二楼

on the second floor – al secondo piano /在第三楼



near where you live – vicino dove vivi / 在你驻地地方附近

near where I live – vicino dove vivo / 在我住的地方附近

Answer Questions

Is there a bathroom in here?

✔️ - on the first floor

There's a bathroom on the first floor

* * * * *

Is there a restaurant on this street?

There isn't a restaurant on this street

* * * * *

Is there a supermarket near here?

✔️ - in the city centre

There's a supermarket in the city centre

* * * * *

Is there a supermarket in this area?

✔️ - no

There's no supermarket in this area

* * * * *

Is there a korean restaurant on this street?

There isn't a Korean restaurant on this street

* * * * *

Is there a shopping centre in that part of the city?

❌ - no

There's no shopping centre in that part of the city

* * * * *

Ask Questions

There's a library in the city centre

Is there a library in the city centre?

* * * * *

There's a castle in Trento

Is there a castle in Trento?

* * * * *

There's another Korean restaurant in the city centre

❓- near here

Is there another Korean restaurant near here?

* * * * *

There's a gym in my office

Is there a gym in your office?

* * * * *

There's a nice cafè on Hill Street

❓- around here

Is there a nice cafè around here?

* * * * *

There's a toilet in here

Is there a toilet in here?

* * * * *

How many (singular or plural)

How many airports are there in Milan?

✔️ - three

There are three airports in Milan

* * * * *

How many students are there in your class?

✔️ - about fifteen

There are about fifteen students in my class

* * * * *

How many restaurants are there on this street

✔️ - only one

There's only one restaurant on this street

* * * * *

How many are there?

✔️ - only one

There's only one

* * * * *

How many are there?

✔️ - a few

There isn't a Korean restaurant on this street

* * * * *

How many restaurants are there on this street?

✔️ - one

There's no shopping centre in that part of the city

* * * * *


Sorry, is there a supermarket around here?  

Yes, there’s a supermarket near here.  It’s on Castle Street.  It isn’t too far from here.   It’s about ten minutes from here, if you walk.

Ok, that’s great.  And I want to get something to eat, but the Mexican restaurant over there is a bit expensive. Is there another restaurant around here?  

Yeah, that restaurant is pretty expensive and the food isn’t really good.   There’s another restaurant on Hill Street.  It’s a Vietnamese restaurant.  It’s pretty cheap and the food is really tasty.

Ok.  is it far from here?  

No, it isn’t very far from here.  It’s about twenty minutes, if you walk.  You need to go this way.

Thanks for your help.   The people here are very friendly.

Yes, we are all very friendly.   I’m very friendly and my friends are also very friendly.  We always help tourists.  We help everyone. 

New Words 

something to eat – qualcosa da mangiare / 吃的东西

 something to drink – qualcosa da bere / 要喝的,可以喝的

(Do you want someting to eat?) – vuoi qualcosa da mangiare? / 你要吃点东西

far from here – lontano da qui / 离这里远

this way – da questa parte / 这个方向

everyone – tutti / 大家


1. Is there a swimming pool near where you live?

2. Is there a football stadium near where you live?


3. Is there a bus stop on your street?

4. Is there a supermarket on your street?


5. Is there a Chinese restaurant near where you live?

6. Is there a library near where you live? 


7. Is there an airport in your city?

8. Is there a univesity in your city?