37. Past tense - 30 irregular verbs

Think, Buy, Bring, Teach, Catch, Seek

What is the past tense of .... think? (想, pensare)

Thought (I thought you were American, but in fact you are English)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... buy? (买,comprare)

bought (I bought a new bike)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... bring? (带,portare)

brought (I brought something for you)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... teach? (教书,insegnare)

taught (when you taught me how to dance - song lyric)

* * * * *

Whatis the past tense of ... catch? (抓,接球 / catturare, prendere)

caught (the police caught the thief)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... seek? (寻找,cercare)

saught (seek is not very common - search / searched is more common)

* * * * *

1. Did you buy anything yesterday? 

2. Did you think about me yesterday? 

3. Did you bring me a present?  

4. What did you buy today? 

5. Did the fisherman catch a shark or a whale? 

6. did your dad teach you how to ride a bike? 

7. Did you think about the Roman Empire today? 

8. Did your dad teach you how to play poker? 




know, grow, fly, draw, blow, show

What is the past tense of .... know? (知道,认识 / sapere, conoscere)

knew (I knew you'd be late!)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of blow? (吹, soffiare)

blew (the wind blew the papers away - not common)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... grow up? (长大 / conoscere)

grew up (I was born in China, but I grew up in Italy)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of... fly? (飞, volare)

flew (The bird flew away)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... draw? (画画,designare)

drew (I drew a picture of his dog, yesterday)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... show*? (给某人看 / mostrare)

showed (I showed him how to turn on the computer)

* * * * *

1. “the statue of liberty was given to the Americans by the French”…Did you know that?

2. Did you grow up in Italy? 

2. “The mona lisa was painted by  da vinci”..Did you know that?

4. Did you draw any pictures yesterday?

5. Did you fly here? 

6. In the greek myth, Did Icarus fly close to the moon or the Sun?

7. Did I show you my new phone? 

8. Did I show you my new…. ? 

Keep, Sleep, Feel, Spell, Sweep, meet*

What is the past tense of .... keep? (保留,继续 / tenere, continuare)

Kept (He kept asking silly questions) - kept = continued

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... spell? (拼写 / scrivere lettera per letterea)

spelt (The essay was good, but you spelt a few words wrong)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... sleep? (睡觉,dormire)

slept (I was so tired, I slept for 10 hours!)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of... sweep? (打扫,spazzare)

swept (I swept the floor - not very common)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... feel? (感觉,感到 / sentire)

felt (When the game started, I felt really nevous)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... meet*? (认识,incontrare)

met (I met a lot of interesting people)

* * * * *

1. Did you sleep well? 

2. How many hours did you sleep, last night? 

3. How did you feel, this morning? 

4. ” woter” .. Did you I spell it right? 

5. ” fire” … Did I spell it right?

6. Did you meet anyone interesting recently? 

7. You got good grades…. How did you feel? 

8. Did you sweep the floor, before you came here?

Send, Spend, Lend, Bend, Go, end*

What is the past tense of .... send? (寄,发 / mandare, inviare)

Sent (I sent him a message, but he hasn't answered yet)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... bend? (弯曲 / piegare)

bent (I bent the rules a little bit, but everything went well)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... spent? (花钱 / spendere, trascorrere tempo)

spent (I spent way too much money)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of... go? (去 / andare)

went (I went to China because I wanted to see the Great Wall)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... lend? (借钱,借东西 / prestare)

lent (Hey! I lent you 20 euro, when are you going to give it back?)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... end? (结束/ concludere)

ended (The movie ended very late) - can also say (the movied finished very late)

* * * * *

1. Did you send a text message yesterday? 

2. How many text messages did you send yesterday? 

3. Did you spend a lot of money yesterday? 

4. Did you spend some time with your family at the week-end? 

5. Did you go to the city centre, yesterday? 

Tell, Sell / Drive, Write, Ride, Choose

What is the past tense of .... tell? (告诉 / dire, raccontare)

I told him to give me a call tomorrow

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... sell? (卖 / vendere)

sold (I sold my bike for 100 euro)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... drive? (开车 / guidare)

drove (I drove all the way from Milan to Rome)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of... write? (写 / scrivere)

wrote (Altogether, Shakespeare wrote thiry eight plays)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... ride?

rode (He rode his bike from Bologna to Florence)

* * * * *

What is the past tense of ... choose? (选 / scegliere)

chose (I chose this one because I like the colour)

* * * * *
  1. Did I tell you about the guy who we met last week? 
  2. Did I tell you my name? 
  3. Did you sell your bike? 
  4. Did you sell your boat? 
  5. Who did you sell your boat to ? 

6. Who did you tell

7. Did you drive here? 

8. Did you write this poem? 

9. Did Shakespeare write The Divine Comedy? 

New Words























Did you grow up in Italy?


I grew up in Italy

* * * * *

Did you learn English in school?

✔️ - a bit of

I learnt a bit of English in school

* * * * *

Did you live in the south of Italy?

I didn't live in the south of Italy

* * * * *

Did you live in a big city?


I lived in a big city

* * * * *

Did you study a language at school?

✔️ - French

I studied French at school

* * * * *

Did you guys do English in school? (we)


We did English at school

* * * * *

Did you guys have to study English at school? (we)


We had to study English at school

* * * * *

Did he live there for long?

He didn't live there for long

* * * * *

Did you learn much?

I didn't learn much

* * * * *

Were you young?

✔️ - very

I was very young

* * * * *

Was he in Italy?


He was in Italy

* * * * *

Were you kids?

✔️ - we

We were kids

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I grew up in China

Did you grow up in China?

* * * * *

I lived in Japan for about two years

❔ - how long

How long did you live in Japan for?

* * * * *

I studied English in school

Did you study English in school?

* * * * *

I moved to Italy two years ago

❓- when

When did you move to Italy?

* * * * *

we had to study English at school

Did you have to study English at school?

* * * * *

I had to do a lot of homework

Did you have to do a lot of homework?

* * * * *

I was eleven

❓ - how old

How old were you?

* * * * *

He was seven

❓ - how old

How old was he?

* * * * *

I lived there for a few years

❓ - how long

How long did you live there for?

* * * * *

I came here two years ago

❓- when

when did you come here?

* * * * *

we were in school

Were you in school?

* * * * *

I played football at school

Did you play football at school?

* * * * *


Did you grow up in Italy?


Did you grow up in Italy?

Yes, I grew up in Italy, but my parents are from China.  They moved to Italy a few years before I was born

And, did you grow up in this city?

Well, I was born in Milan, but after that my family moved here. So, I mainly grew up here.

How old were you when you came to Rome?

I was about seven when I came here.  So I guess this is really my home.

Your English is really good!  Did you study English in school?

Yes, of course, we all had to study English in school. I also had to study a second language, so I also studied Spanish. For us, Spanish is easier.

And did you do sports in school?

Yes, I played football for a few years, and after that I played basketball

And did you learn an instrument?

I learnt the piano for a while, but I didn’t practice a lot.

New Words
















1. Did you grow up in Italy?

2. Did you study English in school?

3. Did you move to Italy when you were young?

4. When did you come to Italy?

5. Did you have to study English at school?

6. Did you have to do a lot of homework, when you were at school?

7. Did you play football at school?

8. Did you go to high school in Italy?