Did you drink a lot of coffee?


What is the past tense of .... eat?

What is the past tense of ... drink?

What is the past tense of ... have?

What is the past tense of ... spend?

Whatis the past tense of ... take?

What is the past tense of ... read? (pronunciation is like "need")

read (pronunciation is like "red")

* * * * *

New Words

a lot of coffee – molto caffè / 很多咖啡


too much coffee – troppo caffè / 太多咖啡


a lot of ice-cream – molto gelato / 很多冰激淋

too much ice-cream – troppo gelato / 太多冰激淋


a lot of apples – molte  mele / 很多苹果


too many apples – troppe mele / 太多苹果


many (for countable things)  – molto / 很多


much (for uncountable things) – molto / 很多


a lot of (ok for countable or uncountable) – molto / 很多


lots of (ok for countable or uncountable) – molto / 很多


some (ok for countable or uncountable) – alcune, alcuni / 一些


any (for negatives) – qualsiasi / 任何 ( example – I didn’t eat any meat

 –  Did you take any photos?)

Answer Questions

Did you drink a lot of coffee?


I drank a lot of coffee

* * * * *

Did you read that book?


I read that book

* * * * *

Did you eat a lot of ice-cream?


I ate a lot of ice-cream

* * * * *

Did you eat a lot of pizza?

✔️ - too much

I ate too much pizza

* * * * *

Did you spend a lot of money?

✔️ - too much

I spent too much money

* * * * *

Did you take a lot of photos?

✔️ - lots of

I took lots of photos

* * * * *

Did you drink a lot of beer

I didn't drink a lot of beer

* * * * *

Did you eat a lot of food?

I didn't eat a lot of food

* * * * *

Did you take some photos?

❌ - any

I didn't take any photos

* * * * *

Did you take any photos?

✔️ - a few

I took a few photos

* * * * *

Did you spend a lot of money?

✔️ - too much

I spent too much money

* * * * *

Did you have something to eat?


I had something to eat

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I ate a lot of ice-cream

Did you eat a lot of ice-cream?

* * * * *

I drank a lot of coffee

Did you drink a lot of coffee?

* * * * *

I read a lot of books

Did you read a lot of books?

* * * * *

I spent a lot of money

Did you spend a lot of money?

* * * * *

I took a photo

Did you take a photo?

* * * * *

I had a good time

Did you have a good time?

* * * * *

I ate five apples

❓ - how many

How many apples did you eat?

* * * * *

I drank a lot

Did you drink a lot?

* * * * *

I ate a lot of pizza

❓ - how much

How much pizza did you eat?

* * * * *

I spent a lot of money

❓- how much

How much money did you spend?

* * * * *

I drank four cups of coffee

❓ - How many

How many cups of coffee did you drink?

* * * * *

I drank a lot of beer

❓- How much

How much beer did you drink?

* * * * *


So you went out last night.  Did you have a good time?

Yes, I had a really good time.  I had dinner with Eddie and Lucy and then we went to the cafe on Via Garibaldi.

Ok, and what did you have for dinner? Did you eat a lot of pizza?

Haha, yes we had pizza and then we went to the ice-cream shop on via mazzini and we ate a lot of ice-cream.  To be honest, I think I ate too much ice-cream.  I took some photos. In fact, we took a lot of photos.  We took a lot of photos of the ice-cream shop.

And did you have something to drink? Did you drink some wine or beer?

Yes, I had a glass of wine, but I didn’t drink any beer.  Normally, I only drink one glass of wine and I hardly ever drink beer.

And how about that book I gave you last week.  Did you read it?

Oh yes, I read it all.  It was very interesting.  I want to read more books about history.  I especially want to learn about the Roman empire.

And you said, you went to the book shop a few days ago.  Did you buy any books?

I didn’t buy any books, but I bought a new pen and then I went to the clothes shop and I bought some new clothes.  I bought too much stuff.  I spent a lot of money.  In fact, I spent too much money.

New Words

you went out – sei uscita/uscito / 你出去了


something to eat – qualcosa da mangiare / 吃的东西


something to drink – qualcosa da bere / 喝的东西


Did you have something to eat? – hai mangiato qualcosa? / 你吃了吗?


one glass of wine – un  bicchiere di vino / 一杯葡萄酒


two glasses of wine – due bicchieri di vino / 两倍葡萄酒


how many glasses of wine did you drink? (glasses – countable) – Quanti bicchieri di vino hai bevuto? / 你喝了多少杯葡萄酒?


how much wine did you drink? (wine – uncountable) – Quanto vino hai bevuto? / 你喝了多少葡萄酒?


books about history – libri sulla storia / 讲历史的书


books about real people – libri su personne reali / 关于真是人的书


too much stuff – troppo roba / 太多东西


too many things – troppe cose / – 太多东西



1. Did you eat pizza yesterday?

2. Did you eat rice yesterday?

3. Did you drink tea, yesterday?

4. How much water did you drink yesterday?

5. Did you go out yesterday?

6. Did you read any articles on the internet yesterday?

7. How many apples did you eat yesterday?

8. Did you spend any money yesterday?

9. How many books did you read, last year?

10. Did you have dinner at home, yesterday?