Did you go to England?

Past tense – Sentences

(question) Did you go to Spain?

(did + present tense)


(no) I didn’t go to Spain 

(didn’t + present tense)


(yes) I went to Spain

(past tense)


(question) Did she come to Italy?

(did + present tense)


(no) She didn’t come to Italy?

(didn’t + present tense)


(yes) She came to Italy

(past tense)


Question words

When  – Quando / 什么时候

Why – Perché / 为什么


When did you go to Spain? 

 When did she come to Italy?


Why did you go to India?

Why did you come here?

New Words – Time

last year – l’anno scorso / 去年

last week – la settimana scorsa / 上周


two years ago – due anni fa / 两年前

two weeks ago – due settimane fa / 两周之前


a few years ago – alcuni anni fa / 几年前


Answer Questions

Did you go to Germany?


I went to Germany

* * * * *

Did you go there?

✔️ - we

We went there

* * * * *

Did he come to Europe?


He came to Europe?

* * * * *

Did she come here?

✔️ - yesterday

She came here yesterday

* * * * *

When did you go there?

✔️ - last year

I went there last year

* * * * *

When did your brother come here?

✔️ - a few years ago

My brother came here a few years ago

* * * * *

Did you go to the south of Italy?

❌ - we

We didn't go to the south of Italy

* * * * *

Did she come to Italy?

She didn't come to Italy

* * * * *

When did you go there?

✔️ - last year

I went there last year

* * * * *

When did they come here?

✔️ - a few years ago

They came here a few years ago

* * * * *

When did you go Spain?

✔️ - a few years ago

They went to spain a few years ago

* * * * *

When did they come to Italy?

✔️ - last year

They came to Italy last year

* * * * *

Ask Questions

We went to the south

Did you go to the south?

* * * * *

My mum came here

❔ - your

Did your mum come here?

* * * * *

We went to the north

Did you go to the north?

* * * * *

I went to every country in Europe

Did you go to every country in Europe?!?

* * * * *

I went there last year

❓- When

When did you go there?

* * * * *

They went to Rome a few weeks ago

❓- When

When did they go to Rome?

* * * * *

She came here

❓ - When

When did she come here?

* * * * *

I came here because I want to learn Italian

❓ - Why

Why did you come here?

* * * * *

I went to Korea because I like Korean food

❓- Why

Why did you go to Korea?

* * * * *


So, you went to Spain last year.  That’s great!  Did you go to the south of Spain?

Yes, we went to the south.  We went to Seville and Malaga. They are  beautiful cities. 

And now you are in England.   Why did you come to England?

I came to England because I want to improve my English.  When I am here, I can practice my English every day.

I know what you mean.  It’s important to practice every day.  And when did you come to England?

I came here about six months ago.  But, this is the second time.  The first time I came to England was about four years ago.  I really like it here.  The only thing I don’t like is the weather

Come on, the weather isn’t that bad!  Ok and now your English is really good.  So, do you think you will go back to Italy?

I might go back to Italy next year.  But, I might stay here.  As I said, I really like it here and it’s pretty close to Italy.  My friends and family can visit me.

New Words

the first time – la prima volta / 第一次

the second time – la seconda volta / 第二次

the last time – l’ultima volta / 上次


It’s important to practice every day – è importante esercitarsi ogni giorno/ 每天联系是很重要的


As I said – come ho detto / 像我(之前)说的


close to London – vicino a Londra / 在伦敦附近


I might – potrei / 也许我会


1. Did you go to the supermarket yesterday?

2. Did you go to the train station yesterday?

3. Did Christopher Colombus go to America or India?

4. Did Marco Polo go to India or China?


5. When did you Christopher Colombus go to America? (1492 – in fourteen ninety two)

6. When did Marco Polo go to China? (1266 – in twelve sixty six)


7. Where did the tomato come from?

8. Where did coffee come from?