2. Do you live in Spain?



Do you live near here? 

Vivi qui vicino?


Do you work in a book shop?

Lavori in una libreria?





I don’t live in the city centre

Non vivo in centro città


I don’t work in a restaurant

Non lavoro in un ristorante




I live in the north of Italy

Vivo nel nord italia



I work on Hill Street

Lavoro su Via Hill

我工作在 Hill 街



Question words

Where  – Dove / 哪里

What school / Which school – Quale scuola / 哪个学校


Which part of the city… in? –

In quale parte della città? / 在城市的哪个部分

What restaurant …. in?

In quale ristorante ? / 在哪个餐馆

Words (location)

near here – qui vicino / 这里附近

in the city centre – nel centro città / 在市中心


in the north of Italy – nel nord italia / 在意大利的北部

in the south of Italy – nel sud italia / 在意大利的南部


beside a church – accanto ad una chiesa / 在教堂旁边

beside a supermarket – accanto ad un supermercato / 在超市旁边


on Hill Street – su Via Hill / 在Hill街


in a book shop – in una libreria / 在(一个)书店里

in a restaurant – in un ristorante / 在(一个)餐馆

in an office – in un ufficio / 在(一个)办公室

in a language school – in una scuola di lingue / 在(一个)语言学校

Answer Questions

Do you live near here?


I live near here

* * * * *

Do you live in the city centre?

I don't live in the city centre

* * * * *

Do you work in a language school?


I work in a language school

* * * * *

Do you work in an office?

I don't work in an office

* * * * *

Do you work in a book shop?


I work in a book shop

* * * * *

Do you live in this part of the city

I don't work in this part of the city

* * * * *

Ask Questions

I work in a restaurant

Do you work in a restaurant?

* * * * *

I work in a shop near here

❔- where

Where do you work?

* * * * *

I live near here

❓- near here

Do you live near here?

* * * * *

I live on Hill Street

Where do you live?

* * * * *

I live in this part of the city

❓- which part ..... in

Which part of the city do you live in?

* * * * *

I work in a restaurant called The Green Horse

❓What restaurant .... in

What restaurant do you work in?

* * * * *

Where ? (question words)

Where do you live?

✔️ - in the south of the city

There are three airports in Milan

* * * * *

Where do you work?

✔️ - near here

There are about fifteen students in my class

* * * * *

Which part of the city do you live in?

✔️ - the north

I live in the north of the city

* * * * *

Which book shop do you work in?

✔️ - on Hill Street

I work in the restaurant on Hill Street

* * * * *

Where do you work

✔️ - in an office

I work in an office

* * * * *

Where do you live

✔️ - near the park

I live near the park

* * * * *


So, do you live near here?

No, I don’t live in this area, I live in the city centre… near the main square.

Ok, I also live in the city centre.  And do you work in the city centre?

No, I don’t work in the city centre.  I work in the south of the city, on Star Street.

And, do you work in a language school?

No, I don’t work in a language school.  I work in a book shop.   And what about you?  Do you work or are you a student?

No, I don’t work.  I’m a student.  

New Words 

in this area – in questa zona / 在这个区

the main square – nella piazza principale / 在大(主要的)广场

near the main square – vicino alla piazza principale / 在大(主要的)广场

also – anche / 也

What about you? – e tu? / 你呢

Are you a student? – sei un studente / 你是学生吗?


1. Do you live in the city centre?

2. Do you live in the north of the city?


3. Do you work in a book shop?

4. Do you work in a restaurant?


5. Do you live beside a church?

6. Do you live beside a supermarket?


7. What city do you live in?

8. Which part of the city do you live in?

9. What country do you live in?

10. What part of the country do you live in?


in questa parte della città

in this part of the city

* * * * *

accanto ad un negozio di vestiti

beside a clothes shop

* * * * *

nel nord della città

in the north of the city

* * * * *

Quale parte della città

Which part of the city

* * * * *


Quale ristorante

What restuarant / Which street

* * * * *