15. Are there a lot of tourists in Rome?



Are there any parks near here?

Ci sono dei parchi qui vicino?


(for questions we normally use any)



There aren’t any parks near here 

Non ci sono dei parchi qui vicino


(for negative sentences we often use any )



There some parks around here

Ci sono dei parchi qui vicino



Question words

How many – Quanti / 多少


How many students are there in your class? 

Quanti studenti ci sono nella tua classe?



There are about twenty students in my class

Ci sono circa venti studenti nella mia classe


New Words (quantity)


a lot of nice restaurants – molti bei ristoranti / 很多好餐馆

many – molti, molte /  很多 


some nice parks – alcuni bei parchi / 一些好公园

no parks – niente parchi / 没有公园


New Words (location)


near here – qui vicino / 这里附近

around here – qui intorno / 这里周围


where you live – nel post dove vivi / 在你住的地方

where I live – nel posto dove vivo / 在我住的地方


in this area – in questa zona / 在这个区

on this street – su questa strada / 在这条街

Answer Questions

Are there a lot of students in Bologna?


There are a lot of students in Bologna

* * * * *

Are there a lot of tourists in Rome?

✔️ - too many

There are too many tourists in Rome

* * * * *

Are there a lot of English schools in Milan?

✔️ - lots of

There are lots of language schools in Milan

* * * * *

Are there any nice restaurants near here?

✔️ - a few

There are a few nice restaurants near here

* * * * *

There are a few nice parks near here

✔️ - a few

I studied French at school

* * * * *

Are there any art galleries near here?

✔️ - some

There are some art galleries near here

* * * * *

Are there any nice restaurants near here?

There aren't any nice restaurants near here

* * * * *

Are there any art galleries near here?

❌ - no

There are no art galleries near here

* * * * *

Are there any theatres near here?

There aren't any theatres near here

* * * * *

Are there any Chinese restaurants in this area

✔️ - no

There are no Chinese restaurants in this area

* * * * *

Are there any language schools near here?

❌ - no

There are no language schools near here

* * * * *

Are there a lot of parks in this area?

There aren't a lot of parks in this area

* * * * *

Ask Questions

There a lot of Chinese restaurants in Milan

Are there a lot of Chinese restaurants in Milan?

* * * * *

There are some nice parks near here

❔ - any

Are there any parks near here?

* * * * *

There are a lot of language schools in this area

❓- any

Are there any language schools in this area?

* * * * *

There are a few museums in the city centre

❓- a lot of

Are there a lot of museums in the city centre?

* * * * *

There are some nice restaurants on this street

❓- any

Are there any nice restaurants on this street?

* * * * *

There are some nice parks near here

❓- any

Are there any nice parks near here?

* * * * *

There are twenty regions in Italy

❓ - How many

How many regions are there in Italy?

* * * * *

There are twenty four students in my class

❓ - How many

How many students are there in your class?

* * * * *

There are twenty six letters in the alphabet

❓ - How many

How many letters are there in the alphabet?

* * * * *

There are lots of counties in Europe

❓- How many

How many countries are there in Europe?

* * * * *

There are three Korean restaurants on this street

❓- How many

How many Korean restaurants are there on this street?

* * * * *

There are so many shops on this street

❓- How many

How many shops are there on this street?

* * * * *


So, are there any nice restaurants around here?

Well, there are a few nice restaurants near here.  There is a very good Korean restaurant on Oxford street, but it’s pretty expensive.  There’s also a nice mexican restaurant on Hampton Street.  The Mexican restaurant isn’t very expensive.

That’s great.  After dinner, I want to go for a walk.  Are there any nice parks around here?

Yes, there’s a nice park near the Chinese restaurant.  It isn’t very big,  but it is very nice. 

Ok, that’s great.  Thanks for your help and I have another question.  I notice there are a lot of young people in this area.  Are they students?

Yes, that’s right.  There is a big university in the city centre and there are loads of students here. 

Ok.  It isn’t a really really big city, but there are so many students.  And are there a lot of asians in Bologna?

Yes, there are loads of Chinese.  Well, I think there are about five thousand Chinese in Bologna.  There are also a lot of Japanese and Koreans.  They come here to study and some of them stay after they finish university.

New Words

pretty expensive – piuttosto carino / 挺贵

after dinner – dopo cena / 吃完饭之后


go for a walk – fare una passeggeata / 去散步

another question – un’altra domanda / 多一个问题


loads of – molto / 很多

asians – asiatici / 亚洲人


some of them – alcuni di loro / 他们一些人

finish – finiscono / 结束,完成

stay here – restano qui / 留在这里


1. Are there a lot of students in Bologna?

2. Are there a lot of Chinese people in Italy?


3. Are there any art galleries in your city?

4. Are there any English schools in your city? 


5. Are there any nice parks near where you live?

6. Are there any mountains near where you live?


7. How many countries are there in the EU?

8. How many regions are there in Italy?

9. How many letters are there in the alphabet?

10. How many players are there in a football team?

ci sono molti ristoranti cinesi a Bologna / 有 很多中国餐馆在博洛尼亚

there are a lot of Chinese restaurants in Bolonga

* * * * *

ci sono acluni bei ristoranti qui vicino/ 这里附近有几个好餐馆

There are some nice restaurants near here

* * * * *

ci sono dei bei parchi qui vicino? / 这里附近有一些好公园地

Are there any nice parks near here?

* * * * *

ci sono dei bar carini qui vicino? / 这里附近有一些好咖啡店 吗?

Are there any nice cafès near here?

* * * * *

Quante studenti ci sono nella tua classe? / 有多少学生在你的班里?

How many people are there in your class?

* * * * *

Quante personne cinesi ci sono in Italia? / 有多少中国人在意大利?

How many Chinese people are there in Italy?

* * * * *

Ci sono dei bei negozi al centro / 有一些好商店在市中心

There are some nice shops in the city centre

* * * * *

Non ci sono molti ristorante su questa strada / 没有很多餐馆在这条街

There aren't a lot of restaurants on this street

* * * * *

There aren't a lot of young people here / 没有很多年轻人在这里

There aren't a lot of young people here

* * * * *