12. Is he in Germany?




Is he in Germany?



He isn’t in Germany



He’s in spain


Other examples

She‘s at home

Lucy‘s at home

It‘s near here 

The supermarket is on Hill Street

Milan‘s in the north of Italy (name)


Question words


Where – Dove / 哪里

Where is the train station?

Dov’è la stazione ferroviaria? / 火车站在哪里?


Location words

a casa / 在家

at home

* * * * *

nel nord della città / 在城市的北部

in the north of Italy

* * * * *

al lavoro / 在工作的地方

at work

* * * * *

qui vicino / 这里附近

near here

* * * * *

vicino al alla stazione ferroviaria / 在火车站附近

near the train station

* * * * *

in Giapppone / 在日本

in Japan

* * * * *

a Roma / 在罗马

in Roma (for cities, we use "in")

* * * * *

dove vivo, io / 在我住的地方

Where I live

* * * * *

vicino a dove vivo / 在我住的地方附近

near where I live

* * * * *

Location Words


near / near to (both are ok) – vicino a …/ 在。。附近

near here – qui vicino / 这里附近

near the main square – vicino alla piazza principale / 在大(主要的)广场附近


on Hill Street – su via Hill  / 在Hill街

on Abbey Road – su via Abbey / 在Abbey路


in the north – nel nord / 在北部

in the south – nel sud / 在南部


in Spain – in Spagna / 在西班牙

in Rome – a Roma / 在罗马

(for cities and countries use “in”) 


at home – a casa / 在家

at work – al lavoro / 在工作

at school – a scuola / 在学校


where I live – dove vivo / 在我住的地方

where Eddie lives – dove vive, Eddie/ 在Eddie住的地方


near where I live /在我住的地方附近

near where Eddie lives /在Eddie住的地方附近


Answer Questions

Is the train station near here

The train station isn't near here

* * * * *

Is Naples in the south of Italy?


Naples is in the south of Italy

* * * * *

Is he at home?


He's at home

* * * * *

Is it far from here?

It isn't far from here

* * * * *

Is Lucy here?

Lucy isn't here

* * * * *

Is it near where you live


It's near where I live

* * * * *

Ask Questions

The main square is near here

Is the main square near here?

* * * * *

Eddie's here

Is Eddie here?

* * * * *

The train station is in the north of the city

❓- Where

Where is the train station?

* * * * *

Venice is in the north of Italy

Is Venice in the north of Italy?

* * * * *

It's near where I live

Is it near where you live?

* * * * *

The nearest supermarket is on Hill Street

❓- Where

Where is the nearest supermarket?

* * * * *


I want to get some food.  Where is the nearest supermarket?

Yes, it’s really near here.  It’s about ten minutes from here, if you walk.

Ok, Where exactly is it?

Do you remember the big book shop?  It’s beside that. 

And what about the train station. Is it in the city centre?

No, it isn’t in the city centre.   Do you remember where Eddie lives? It’s near where Eddie lives.  It isn’t very far from the city centre.  It’s about half an hour if you walk

Ok, and where is Eddie.  He’s on holiday, right?  Is he in Italy?

Yes, that’s right.  He’s in Italy.  He’s in Bari, in Puglia

Ok, Bari?  Where is that? Is that in the north of Italy?

Haha, no it isn’t in the north.  It’s in the south.   It’s a beautiful city.  The weather is great

New Words


the nearest supermarket – il supermercato più vicino / 最附近的超市

Where exactly? – Dove esattamente? / 哪里



if – se / 如果


ten minutes – dieci minuti / 十分钟

half an hour – mezz’ora / 半个小时



on holiday – in vacanza / 在度假  

The weather – il tempo / 天气


Questions about your city

1. Is the train station in the south of the city?

2. Is the airport in the city centre?


3. Is your house in the city centre?

4. Is your work/school in the city centre?


5. Is Milan in the south of Italy?

6. Is London in the south of England?


7. Where is the Eiffel Tower?

8. Where is the Colosseum (il colloseo)?